Grace Lutheran School Goes Back to School!
After weeks of preparation, Grace Lutheran School welcomed students into the building for the first day of school, last week. Students are returning to full-time, in-person learning this year.
On Tuesday, August 24, first through eighth grade students had their first day of school, which culminated in meeting in-person for chapel as a whole group for the first time in over 17 months. Grace’s preschool and kindergarteners had their first day on Thursday, after having classroom visits the day before. Students and teachers quickly settled into new routines with plenty of learning and playing already taking place.
Changes to the CDC’s and ISBE’s COVID-19 safety protocols have allowed most classes to return to their normal classrooms. The library has been reassembled, and specials teachers are no longer traveling to classes, but having students come to them instead. Many previous safety protocols remain in place however, with all students and staff wearing masks inside the building, windows open at all times, and most classes eating lunch outside when weather allows.
Our theme for this year is The Fruits of the Spirit based on Galatians 5:22-23. “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.” Students and staff will reflect on this theme this year, and it will likely become the foundation for character development throughout the year.
We are looking forward to a great year of growing in faith, knowledge, and character together at Grace!