Learning and Fun on “Twosday”
Grace Lutheran School first graders had a unique opportunity to celebrate the “coolest date of the decade” on February, 22, 2022, unofficially known as “Twosday”. When you write the date, 2/22/22, it’s a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward and backward. It also happened to fall on a Tuesday, making it extra special (particularly in the eyes of young learners)!
The class found several ways to celebrate the special day together. To start, students dressed as twins, wore two shirts and tutus, and brought in pictures from when they were 2 to decorate their door.

Students had fun shooting paper basketballs to count by 2s in math, and played several additional math games in pairs.

They even found a way to include 2s into our Fruit of the Spirit for the month, generosity, by bringing in 2 non-perishable items for Beyond Hunger!

While all of these activities led to a fun day for the students, learning was not lost. These activities and celebration provided opportunities for reinforcing learning, practicing key math skills, and learning how to take a big concept like “generosity” and apply it to serve those in need.