Library News – Summer Reading Challenge Winners!

At the end of the 21-22 school year, our students received a reading challenge from our wonderful school librarian, Mrs. Bramwell. All students in SK through 8th Grade had the opportunity to complete the challenge over the summer. Their reward for completing their challenge was ice cream at lunch time. To earn the ice cream, a student had to complete all 15 challenges. The grade that completed the most challenges won a pizza party. We are so pleased to see so many students hit those reading goals! Click the buttons below to see what the reading challenges were for each grade.
Mrs. Bramwell, organized and executed the ice cream party at lunch with some great helpers which included Principal Koehne and Mrs. Koehne.

The fourth graders won the pizza party by having the most students participate and by doing the most challenges. They had 81% class participation and finished 73% of the challenges. Congrats Fourth Grade!