Thankful Thoughts

November is a time when, as a nation, we try to reflect on what we are thankful for. While we are thankful for many things throughout the year, it’s good to re-focus for a season and intentionally think about our blessings. Grace social media platforms will be flooded this month and next with quotes from current Grace students and parents sharing what they are grateful for at Grace. We would like to share some of those quotes here on the blog as well.

“We are most thankful for the loving and supportive environment Grace extends to all students and families. Everyone is so warm and inviting. I am truly thankful for the enrichment of education and the work of God being instilled.” – Candice (Parent of PK student)

“Our daughter, Aïda, has an amazing school in which to grow and thrive academically, athletically, socially, and emotionally. We are grateful that she is also able to grow in her faith.” – Aimée (Parent of 8th Grade student)

“We are thankful for God’s grace, mercy, and loving kindness. He’s blessed us beyond measure through giving us a model of community through Grace Lutheran School. We are thankful for the genuine relationships and faithful stewardship each family member carries. Yes, family members. The term “staff” is not what we witness in such a loving community.” – Shawn and Tomeka (Parents of 6th Grade student)

“There are so many wonderful things that we are thankful for at Grace! Our son has received such a well rounded education in a positive environment. He has flourished at Grace! He is a very good student, that participates in athletics and has grown into a confident, outgoing, and self-assured young man. He literally has bloomed at his time at Grace Lutheran Church and School!! Grace, we thank you!” – Stephanie and Paul (Parents of 8th Grade student)

“We are thankful for the positive environment and friendly classmates. We are also thankful for the huge impact that Grace has made on our daughters’ lives.” Augie (Parent of 6th and 3rd Grade students)

“I am so grateful for the family support at this school. We appreciate the new and different challenges that help our daughter, Madison, along the way to be successful. Grace is really our school home, and we love it.” – Loné (Parent of 3rd Grade student)

“I’m thankful my child has the opportunity to attend Grace where she is getting a quality education and also learning about God. I’m thankful for her teachers because they make my child happy and eager to go to school everyday.” Jamita (Parent of SK student)

We could go on and on. The responses from our families are overwhelming. We are truly blessed and so thankful to have such a wonderful community. We have the privilege of serving and caring for so many wonderful students. We have the responsibility to teach them and help them grow academically, socially, emotionally, and in their relationship with God. THANK YOU for trusting us. THANK YOU for being a part of this family.