4th Grade Lemonade Stand Service Project
Last week, 4th Grade led chapel. They reminded us of the story in Scripture about Ruth. Ruth chose to travel with her mother-in-law, Naomi, from Moab to Naomi’s homeland of Israel where Ruth was a foreigner. Ruth’s story shows us how God took care of Ruth and Naomi through a man named Boaz. Even though Ruth was not from Israel, she received what she needed and was accepted. In the Old Testament, there are many examples of God caring for foreigners and instructing His people to care for those who come from other countries.

In this spirit, 4th grade announced that they would be selling lemonade and chips the following day in order to raise money to purchase a bike for a refugee family. This family moved to the area with the help of Grace Lutheran Church. Our students brought money the following day to purchase their snacks and support the cause.
This is the type of service we love to teach and encourage at Grace. We hope that because of experiences and lessons like this, our students will continue to eagerly search for opportunities to serve others. Thank you, Mrs. Brucato, for bringing such an important message to the school, acting on it, and helping the whole school become a part of it.