Private School Admissions at Grace Lutheran School
Schedule a TourTour One of the Best Private Schools Near River Forest, IL
As you search for Christian schools near you, you’re probably hoping to find a school that:
- Challenges your child with academic rigor
- Encourages them to lead
- Hopes to increase their faith
- Partners with parents to work toward what is best for your child
You’ll find all of that — and more — at Grace Lutheran School, a private school near River Forest, IL, that serves students from pre-k to eighth grade.
The first step in determining if Grace is the best fit for your family is to schedule a tour.
You don’t have to wait to apply, though. You can start the application process now. While we genuinely desire to support every student who seeks to join our community, we are mindful that we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. Please reach out to our Director of Enrollment for more information regarding the admissions process.
A community that values each individual.
At Grace, we challenge kids with academic rigor, encourage them to lead, and hope to increase their faith. We value diversity. We understand the importance of being a team with parents and making decisions that are best for all current and prospective students. The first step in determining if Grace is the best fit for your family is to schedule a tour. You can also choose to apply below or wait until after the tour to apply. While our heart is to help each student that comes to us, we realistically cannot guarantee acceptance to all students who apply. Please reach out to our Director of Enrollment for more information regarding the admissions process.
Apply NowWhen our students graduate, they go on to prestigious high schools in the area and beyond.
What makes us stand out.
Frequently asked questions.
When should I begin the admissions process?
We begin accepting applications one year prior to the start of the school year in which the new student will be enrolled. It is best to complete the application process as early as possible, as classes fill quickly. Applications, materials and assessments must be completed and returned at least two weeks before the first day of school.
Where do I begin?
The first step is to schedule a tour. Our Director of Enrollment and Marketing will show you around, answer all your questions, and walk you through the admission process.
After my tour what comes next?
You will need to submit an online application and pay a $50 application fee for each student who is applying to the school.
Is there an opportunity to meet the principal?
Every family applying for admission will meet with the school principal, Bill Koehne. Interviews offer parents and the principal the opportunity to ask questions and to determine if Grace Lutheran School is the best fit for the student and family.