Children's Christmas Eve Service

Grace Christmas Eve Service

Please complete the below form to indicate whether your student will be participating in Grace’s Christmas Eve service this year. (Form is no longer available. Past the deadline.)

The Grace early evening worship services on Christmas Eve are led by the children of Grace Church and School. All children in grades 1–8 are encouraged to be involved in this annual highlight of our school year. The illuminated cross formed by the 5th – 8th grade students will begin the service for the 75th consecutive year.

Students carefully prepare for the responsibility of leading worship and look forward to sharing the joy of Christ’s birth on Christmas Eve. The tradition lives on in the hearts of students even after they graduate from Grace. Alumni return year after year to experience the beauty of this service.

If this is your child’s first year at our school, your child has not been part of Christmas Eve at Grace in the past, or your child has participated before, we encourage your child to participate this year.

Click below for more detailed information on this wonderful Grace tradition.

Christmas Eve Service Information

Click here for the recordings of the Christmas Eve music. *Coming Soon*

Rehearsal Recordings

Click here for the word sheets for grades 1-4.

Word Sheets 1-4

Click here for the word sheets for grades 5-8.

Word Sheets 5-8